Neighbor Quotes/Stories

Your Gifts At Work

“Karen and I have focused our charitable giving not only on food security, but the interconnected challenges of poverty, educational achievement, underemployment, physical and mental health, transportation and access for many years.

“Despite Gleaners’ impressive growth in hunger relief capacity, meals distributed, quality of food and other neighbor-centric measures, we know that food security and nutrition security for every neighbor will not happen in our lifetimes. This is a multi-generational opportunity. Gleaners will continue to reduce the lines over time, but we feel a sense of urgency to support and sustain that progress well into the future. I hope you will join us in making a planned gift pledge to Gleaners.”

—John and Karen Elliott

“Gleaners has been a true blessing to me since my illness a year ago. Now, with food prices so high, I could not afford the fresh fruit & vegetables I am required to eat since my diagnosis. God bless all who work so hard to make this service available during these hard times. We truly appreciate each & every one of you.”


“Gleaners has made such a huge difference for my family. We were struggling for food with the increase in prices—meat being the biggest impact. Thank you for all that you do.”


“When we talk with our neighbors, they are always so thankful for all the people who volunteer their time and all the stores that donate. We are making a difference one neighbor at a time!”

—Indian Kentuck Baptist Church Pantry, Jefferson County

“What a great blessing they are to many people in my rural community! Fresh food! The people who volunteer to distribute the food are so pleasant, polite and helpful!”


“Thank you so, so much. I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for this program. I am medically disabled from cancer and other health issues. I can't physically get out of my home to go to a pantry or stand in a line for a long time. Thank you for thinking of those of us who are homebound. There are so few resources for us.”


“When at a family's car signing them in, there were 3 small children in the car. I told them we had watermelon and all 3 of them started bouncing, screaming and clapping their hands. They were so very excited. It made this volunteer work even more rewarding!”

—Milroy Community Food Pantry, Inc.